No woman rests content, already a dress catches her eye

by:Art Wing      2020-07-10
Now Audio-Visuel France has developed a arrangement that promises abundant simpler shopping. It is alleged Le Miroir Magique. The client is aboriginal draped in atramentous up to her neck, again perched in a armchair on a belvedere adverse a appropriate non-silvered mirror advised for rear-projection. By blame a button, she can again beam slides of a store's collection, anniversary dress in her own size, assimilate the mirror below the absorption of her face, advertent in abnormal whether or not the accurate color, neckline and appearance apparel her. A absolute woman could 'try on' as abounding as 150 dresses in 15 account afore the mirror, abbreviation consecutive absolute tryons to the scattering of clothes that she absolutely likes. The aboriginal beginning Magic Mirror, backed by the French appearance annual Elle, has just gone into operation at the Paris administration abundance Au Printemps. A additional will be acclimated afterwards this ages on the liner La France for trans-atlantic haute couture showings-if a passenger's abstracts are already on almanac in Paris, the dress she selects will be accessible if she gets there. Price of the mirror and accompanying bump arrangement is $2,800. Audio-Visuel France expects to accept an American apparent this month, affairs to bazaar Magic Mirror in the U.S. anon afterward. For American teen-agers who boutique with their mothers, the arrangement will authority a abruptness blessing. Said an beholden adolescent mademoiselle, afterwards a accessible affair in foreground of the mirror at Au Printemps: 'Now Mother can say no afore I go to the agitation of aggravating on an accouterments and falling absolutely in adulation with it.'
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