
An Easy and Durable Option to Increase Sales

by:Art Wing      2020-05-20
Due to the weak economy and need for durability plastic mannequins are very common in the market these days. These are eco friendly and entirely recyclable. These are made with sturdy and unbreakable plastic. This makes their handling simple and less risky as compared to fiber or glass mannequins. They are lightweight and this makes it easy to carry them from one place to another. Mannequins are also made from wood, glass, plaster, fiber etc. but these are not as durable. Wooden ones are heavy and rough so they don't serve the purpose of a store well. Those made of wax are very attractive but due to their fragility, these are not common and you can find them only in big showrooms and museums. Plastic mannequins are very well shaped because of their flexible nature. For giving exact shape of the body parts, plastic is the preferred material. An assortment of postures can be designed without problems to give realistic look to a plastic one. Due to its elasticity, those made of plastic can be made of rotate able heads and can have portable legs and arms. They are of much help as store workers can display clothes without wasting much time and energy. Due to easily separable parts, many creative designs can be displayed in stores with ease. Plastic mannequins can be easily fixed according to the theme of the cloth section. These mannequins are designed especially to resemble actual life human beings of different shapes and features. The ideal height of a plastic mannequin is comparable to that of a perfect model. The weight of a plastic mannequin is around 10 kg and the body measurements are also similar to that of an ideal human being. All the cuts and curves of plastic mannequins, especially female ones, remain almost same and resemble an extremely beautiful lady. They are available in many colors but black and skin color is preferred. Headless, backless, head mannequin, torso, standing, sitting, dancing, kid's mannequin are also available in the market in the durable plastic variety. To display clothes, accessories and jewelry, make up items, shoes etc. stores use plastic mannequins. The main thing to be kept in mind is the theme and uniqueness of display. Selected plastic ones can augment such a theme. After all, inspiring and attractive displays attract customers to buy many products.
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