Where is Art Wing Display located?
Our company can be found in a handy place which not just leads to the lowest price per unit but also facilitates an orderly growth of DongGuan Art Wing Display Co., Ltd. Address of sitting female mannequin producer is affected by the kind of product material used, costs of distribution and production. Welcome customers to visit our company and plant.

Art Wing Display, in virtue of years of experience in the developing and manufacturing of vintage tailors mannequin, has been successful in the industry. Art Wing Display's female mannequin is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Art Wing male mannequin is innovatively designed by our designers who have rich expertise in the industry. The posture of the product can be customized into standing, sitting, or lying pose. With woman manikin features, women mannequin has a good application prospect. Its parts, even absorbing moisture, are not prone to crisp or crack.

Art Wing Display intends to be your global partner. Inquiry!
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