Is Shipping Mannequins Expensive?

by:Art Wing      2020-05-25
Cost cutting on shipping mannequins: Mannequins have large dimensions, and so although they will only weigh 35-40 lbs. the dimensional weight can go up to almost 100 lbs, meaning you are actually paying as if it was 100 lbs because of the dimensions. The same thing goes for a mannequin torso, say it only weighs 5 pounds but most of the time the dimensions will be at least an oversize 1, meaning you will be paying as if it was 30-55lbs. even though it is only 5 pounds! And so cutting shipping costs is very important when choosing an online seller of mannequins. Choose a seller that knows 'his shipping', see if they work with several different shipping companies and have many different methods of shipping in order to save on shipping costs. keep these points in mind: #1 ship to a commercial address. #2 order early so you give the option of shipping a slower method that can cut shipping costs. #3 ordering a few items together should bring the price down on shipping, this does depend on location and quantity but one thing for sure if one item costs 49.00 to ship, shipping 10 of them should not cost 10 x 49.00!, unless it is going international or express method of shipping. #4 make sure that your sales rep is given your working phone number to place in the shipping label, so that if the courier has an issue finding your home/business he can call you to get directions. #5 very important! if there is a suite/unit/apt number do not forget to include this so your items do not get returned, mannequins come in large boxes and the couriers are looking to move them right along instead of keeping them around and waiting for unit numbers.
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