Negotiation should be made with DongGuan Art Wing Display Co., Ltd. If you insist on this, any problems occur during the shipment should be solved by yourselves. In general, we hope to forward the whole process ourselves. This is a way to guarantee the male mannequin quality and control the cost. Our forwarding agents are strongly reliable.
Art Wing Display is a large professional 70-S Change face black mannequin male manufacturing company. Various in styles, Art Wing Display's man mannequin can meet the needs of different customers. Art Wing MPM vintage black male manikin has passed through a complete and complex processing method which includes preliminary testing, inspection, dimensioning, setting, damage analysis. Featuring light weight, it is easy for clothes shop owners to move. The product will not pilling. A person who has used it for a year has proven that its surface has no blurry balls at all. Its arms and legs are adjustable and removable.
We strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment. We stand for sustainable development and commit to doing business in an economically, ecologically and socially responsible way.